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Indigenous Ways of Being

First Nations people in button blankets at Quatsino Sound
First Nations people in button blankets at Quatsino Sound, 19-- Photo Credit: Ben W. Leeson (VPL #14079)

This page will help you find information on Indigenous ways of knowing and being in Canada, focusing on aspects of survival, social life and culture, such as food, shelter, clothing, games, transportation, religion, and legends.

Building Effective Catalogue Searches

By subject heading - region - subdivision:

By group:

Useful subdivisions include:

  • Social Life and Customs
  • Folklore
  • Food
  • History
  • Rites and Ceremonies
  • Religion
  • Legends

Note: Be aware that terms or forms of names used in cataloguing or in titles of books may be different from those currently in use. For best results, you may need to use a variety of keyword search terms or forms of names.


  • "Bella Bella" or "Heiltsuk"
  • "Nootka" or "Nuchalnuth"
  • "Indians" or "First Nations"

Useful Websites

Useful Website Description

The Buffalo Nations Luxton Museum tells the story of the First Nations people of the Plains through interpretive exhibitions, artifacts, and dioramas. Information about aspects of Plains life, including clothing, weapons, transportation, hunting and more.

Useful Website Description

Explores the role of whaling, fishing, communal hunting, farming, and trading in Canadian Indigenous societies. Part of the First Peoples of Canada online exhibition.

Useful Website Description

Information about houses from six Northwest cultural groups, as represented by an exhibition in the Grand Hall at the Canadian Museum of Civilization.

Useful Website Description

Simon Fraser University program to maintain and develop ongoing partnerships with First Nations communities engaged in language revitalization efforts.

Useful Website Description

Website from UBC serves as a starting point for the reader who might be looking for specific topics relating to cultural traditions, materials or resources of Pacific Northwest First Nations.

Useful Website Description

History and traditional life and culture of the Inuit.

Useful Website Description

Online exhibitions include canoe traditions of the Fijian, Squamish, and Haida people, weavers in the First Nations community of Musqueam, and the making of a Chilkat robe.

Recommended Books

Remote Media URL
Cover Image for Being in Being: The Collected Works of Skaay of the Qquuna Qiighawaay

Being in Being: The Collected Works of Skaay of the Qquuna Qiighawaay


398.2097011 S62b


Three traditional Haida stories recorded in 1900.

Cover Image for One drum : stories and ceremonies for a planet

One drum : stories and ceremonies for a planet

Wagamese, Richard

299.713 W12o


One Drum welcomes readers to unite in ceremony to heal themselves and bring harmony to their lives and communities. It draws from the foundational teachings of Ojibway tradition, the Grandfather Teachings.

Remote Media URL
Cover Image for Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes

Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes

Waldman, Carl

970.103 W16e2


Covers more than 200 American Indian tribes of North America. Includes 259 color illustrations (12 new to this edition), 11 color maps, cross-references, a glossary, a bibliography, and an index.

Remote Media URL
Cover Image for The First Nations of British Columbia: An Anthropological Overview

The First Nations of British Columbia: An Anthropological Overview

Muckle, Robert James

970.411 M94fa2


Concise and accessible overview of BC's First Nations peoples, cultures, and issues.

Remote Media URL
Cover Image for Handbook of North American Indians

Handbook of North American Indians

Sturtevant, William C.

970.1 H23s

A collection of detailed ethnographies of indigenous peoples of North America. It has a very detailed index, and includes maps and illustrations. The references and bibliography also provide good starting points for most in-depth searches.

Cover Image for Isuma Inuit Studies Reader: An Inuit Anthology

Isuma Inuit Studies Reader: An Inuit Anthology

Robinson, Gillian 1958-

970.419 R66i


Uses articles from the last 200 years to create a picture of Inuit life.

Cover Image for An Iron Hand Upon the People: The Law Against the Potlatch on the Northwest Coast

An Iron Hand Upon the People: The Law Against the Potlatch on the Northwest Coast

Cole, Douglas

970.411 C68i


Explores the struggle against the Canadian government's outlawing of the potlach, a gift-giving ceremony central to the social and economic structure of many British Columbia First Nations and the resurgence of the custom when the ban was lifted in 1951.

Remote Media URL
Cover Image for One of the Family: Metis Culture in Nineteenth-Century Northwestern Saskatchewan

One of the Family: Metis Culture in Nineteenth-Century Northwestern Saskatchewan

Brenda Macdougall

970.4124 M13o


Examines and analyzes the social and cultural attributes that define the Métis as a distinct people.

Recommended DVDs

Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner

Zacharias Kunuk



Potlatch: To Give

Barb Cranmer

970.3 K98P8c


Shluk: Nuxalk Dried Spring Salmon on the Bella Coola River

Al Elsey and Barb Grossman

970.3 B43E4s


Unikkausivut: Sharing Our Stories

Nicole Lamothe

970.419 U58L


Writing the Land

National Film Board of Canada

970.3 C65W9b


Digital Library Resources

Culture and History Subject Icon

Finding tool for historical information about BC in books, magazines and newspapers in the Vancouver Public Library collection.

Everywhere for everyone

Northwest History Index

This card index in Special Collection provides access to the Northwest History Collection, a heritage collection covering the early history and exploration of British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest.

The collection includes:

  • magazine and newspaper articles
  • pamphlets
  • books
  • chapters in books
  • many other resources

As of August 1998, no new material has been added to the Northwest History Index. It is continued by the British Columbia Index.