Family Law
Use the resources below to find reputable information on family law, the branch of provincial and federal law that deals with marriage, separation, divorce, adoption, child custody and support, child protection, and domestic abuse (including elder abuse).
Family Law Primers
Family Law Primers
Separation, Divorce, and Custody
Separation, Divorce, and Custody
Domestic Violence and Child Protection
Domestic Violence and Child Protection
Domestic violence can refer to any form of abuse - physical, emotional, or sexual - occurring between family members, romantic partners, or others who share a household. The abuse is often, but not always, directed at those who are less able to defend themselves, including women, children, and the elderly. When it is suspected that a youth (anyone under 19 years old) is being abused or neglected, BC's Child Protection Services may be called upon to intercede on behalf of the youth.
Dispute Resolution Process
Dispute Resolution Process
Relevant Legislation and Forms
Relevant Legislation and Forms