Teens at VPL

Your resource for all things teen available at the Vancouver Public Library.
Post-Secondary Planning
- Make informed decisions about education and career options with the tools on this site. Use the Plan section to find articles and information about the different paths along the student journey.
- Different jobs require different types of education and training. From trades to academics, explore potential education paths here.
- Discover your transfer options in BC.
- Explore the drop-down menus at the bottom of the page for a comprehensive list of your options.
Art, Trades & Technology Programs
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)
Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts
Visual College of Art and Design (VCAD)
Emily Carr University of Art and Design
Financial Assistance
Find sources on financial assistance, scholarships, and tuition aid in BC
ESL and Literacy Resources
Find sources on English as a second language and literacy.
Community Volunteering Opportunities
At the Library
Vancouver Public Library offers many programs that give teens an opportunity to earn community service hours for graduation. Check out the link below to find a program that suits your interests!
VPL Programs (minimum age: 13)
Search Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Connector – This site has postings galore, but not all are for teens. On the left-hand menu, go down to Opportunities and tick "good for youth" Check the listings for location, position details, age requirements, and how to apply.
Places to Volunteer:
Job Searching and Career Exploration
Mental Health Resources
Truth and Reconciliation
To support Vancouver teens in their reconciliation journey, we have compiled a resource list centred around Indigenous-authored accounts of residential school experiences.