Terminology and Pronouns. Our Voices.
The power of language to shape our understanding of people and to influence the way we see the world is indisputable. Just as words can be used to denigrate or demean, they can also be used to show respect and recognition. As our language and terminology evolves over time, though, the difference between the two may not always be clear. Have a look at the vocabulary and etiquette resources in this guide for some up-to-date suggestions on how to communicate respectfully with (and about) gender diverse individuals.
Gender-Neutral Pronouns in French
Glossary of Terms
Pronouns and Etiquette
Washroom Signage
In 2017, new washroom signage was installed at City Hall, Vancouver Public Library locations, and other City of Vancouver buildings. All washrooms now include the language, “Trans People Welcome.” To find out more about how and why this change occurred, check out the resources below.
Recommended Titles
What's your Pronoun? Beyond He & She
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In a surprisingly very entertaining comparative grammar book, Dennis Baron affirms the singular "they" is the best option by documenting the pronoun's long history in idiomatic English.
A Quick & Easy Guide to They/them Pronouns
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Curious about They/Them pronouns and the many people who use them? This graphic novel provides a friendly introduction.