Value Line
Value Line has investment information and advice on 3,500 US stocks, widely-followed as well as small & mid-cap companies, across 100 industries. It also includes news, analysis and investment education. Please Note: Some features of the site are not available with our Library subscription
Available at all branches and from home for VPL cardholders. The print edition is available at the Information desk on level 2 of the Central Library.

You can search for a report on a company by name or ticker symbol using the Quote search box on the upper right. On the company report page the link to the pdf on the upper right will load a report formatted like the print edtion.
Includes news, updates, recent commentaries and links to rankings and the web version of the current edition of the Investment Survey. Selection & Opinion and Summary & Index from the print edition can be found here.
Browse Research
Lists stocks from the Investment Survey and Small & Mid-Cap Survey with links to company reports.
- Coverage Universe - lists stock by name
- Industry Screens - companies sorted by industry
- Predefined Screens - companies sorted by performance and dividend yield
- Also includes links to recent commentary and timeliness ranking updates.
Articles about the stock market today and other helpful and informative reports on individual stocks and industries.
Find Ideas
- Screener - Allows you to create lists of stocks by growth rate, valuation ratios, headquarter country and many other parameters
- Model Portfolio - provides examples of types of stock portfolios.
- Alerts, Watchlist, Special Situations and Select are not included in the Library's subscription
Investment Education
Read about how to invest; learn how to read Value Line reports. Also includes a glossary of investment terms.
Help Guides
Use the Value Line guides below for additional support. Note that the login information in these guides does not apply to VPL's subscription.
Video Tutorials
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