Credit and Debt
A look at information on credit cards, credit ratings, credit scores, and credit reports. If you need to improve your credit, these sources can get you started.
Credit Counselling Services
Credit Ratings
Useful Websites
Digital Library Resources
Recommended Titles
Crushing Debt: Why Canadians Should Drop Everything and Pay Off Debt
332.024 T765c
It is estimated the average Canadian owes $25,000 in consumer debt, which negatively affects all aspects of the financial system in Canada. This book gives a big picture look at how to deal with personal consumer debt with a step-by-step guide.
The Debt-free Spending Plan: An Amazingly Simple Way to Take Control of your Finances Once and for All
332.024 N14d
This book provides an everyday plan for setting goals without going into debt to get them. A how-to guide to living within your means.
Planning to Borrow: A Practical Guide to Consumer Lending Practices in Canada
332.7 B21p
Focuses on helping everyday Canadians understand consumer lending practices as they exist in Canada today and providing them with strategies for effectively using the wide range of lending products available.
Understanding your Credit Report and Credit Score
332.7 U55f 2015
Excellent source for understanding Canadian credit reports and credit scores.
Debt-free Forever: Take Control of Your Money and Your Life
332.024 V39d1
Offers accessible information on personal money management and be debt-free.