West End / Downtown

The peninsula that contains the West End and Downtown is the most densely populated area of Vancouver and also contains Stanley Park, its largest green space. Mole Hill, Yaletown, Coal Harbour, the Central Business District, Davie Village, Robson, and Granville Streets are all areas within these neighbourhoods.
Useful Websites
Digital Library Resources
Recommended Titles
Buddy's: Meditations on Desire
306.7662 P46b
Chronicles the lives of gay men in the West End in the 1980s.
Coal Harbour Recollections
971.133 W45c
History of this area from white settlement, through its era as a working waterfront to its transition to a residential community.
Downtown Vancouver, 1955-1976
710.09 V22d
Planning document provides a detailed picture of the downtown area in the middle of the last century and ideas about how it could change.
Inventing Stanley Park: An Environmental History
971.133 K45i
A look back at the ecological and urban history of Vancouver's landmark park.
Mole Hill Living Heritage: An Early History of Vancouver's Oldest Intact Block of Housing
720.9711 P49m
A history of this heritage area that has become a community housing society with 170 rental units.
Stanley Park's Secret: The Forgotten Families of Whoi Whoi, Kanaka Ranch and Brockton Point
971.133 B25s
An eye-opening glimpse into the history of Stanley Park. Before becoming the landmark tourist attraction it is today, the park housed families of Hawaiian immigrants and a thriving First Nations settlement.
Northwest History Index
This card index in Special Collection provides access to the Northwest History Collection, a heritage collection covering the early history and exploration of British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest.
The collection includes:
- magazine and newspaper articles
- pamphlets
- books
- chapters in books
- many other resources
As of August 1998, no new material has been added to the Northwest History Index. It is continued by the British Columbia Index.