Some of our branch hours are changing starting on April 7 and April 21. Please see this page for additional information.
Some of our branch hours are changing starting on April 7 and April 21. Please see this page for additional information.
Access to more than one million pages of scores and manuscripts from the Middle Ages to the 21st Century.
Reflect upon the history and legacy of residential schools in Canada and the work to be done towards reconciliation.
Every June, National Indigenous History Month honours and celebrates the rich history, heritage, resilience and accomplishments of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples across Canada.
Information on how to find and interpret naturalization and citizenship documents for Chinese Canadian genealogy.
The complete Smithsonian Folkways catalogue, featuring folk music from more than 150 countries.
Large cities like Vancouver can be seen as a collection of smaller communities. This section will help you find out more about the neighbourhoods that make up Vancouver.
This section will help you find material in Vancouver Public Library about French exploration and settlement.
Information Services at the Central Library produces a bi-annual genealogy newsletter that is distributed by email and also available in print at the Central Library