Emotional and Verbal Abuse
- Addiction and Substance Use
- Anger Management
- Anxiety and Depression
- Dating and Romance
- Decluttering and Minimalism
- Divorce and Separation
- Domestic Abuse
- Emotional and Verbal Abuse
- Finances and Budgeting
- Grief and Bereavement
- Happiness and Quality of Life
- Loneliness and Making Friends
- Mindfulness and Meditation
- Overcoming a Bad Childhood
- Personal Improvement
- Post-Traumatic Stress and Indigenous Healing
- Rape and Sexual Abuse
- Relationship Improvement
- Self-Confidence and Esteem
- Sexual Wellbeing
- Stress and Burnout
- Suicide and Self-Harm
Emotional and verbal abuse can have just as serious an effect as physical abuse. Non-phsyical abuse is insiduous and sometimes hard to detect. The books below are selected to help readers identify and recover from both the short and long-lasting effects of psychological abuse. For more books on this topic, use the Suggested Catalogue Searches below.
Recommended Titles
If He's So Great Why Do I Feel So Bad? Recognizing and Overcoming Subtle Abuse
362.8292 N33i
Psychologically Abused Women. Abusive Men — Psychological Aspects.
Women with Controlling Partners: Taking Back Your Life from a Manipulative or Abusive Partner
362.8292 L22w
Abused Women. Intimate Partner Violence. Abusive Men. Psychological Abuse.
The Verbally Abusive Relationship: How to Recognize It and How to Respond
362.8292 E92ve2
Family Violence. Invective. Psychological Abuse. Control (Psychology)
The Bully in your Relationship: Stop Emotional Abuse and Get the Love You Deserve
158.2 T34b
Psychological Abuse. Bullying