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Science & Health

  • Personal Improvement

    This guide will help you find popular psychology books on personal improvement in the Vancouver Public Library.


  • Physical and Mental Health

    Consult the following sources for accurate, up-to-date information on how best to care for yourselves and others during the pandemic.

    To speak with a health professional or obtain medical advice, dial 8-1-1. If you are experiencing psychological distress and need someone to talk to:

  • Physics

     This guide will help you find Geology textbooks for grade 11 and 12 in the Vancouver Public Library that are used in the B.C. high school system.

  • Post-Traumatic Stress and Indigenous Healing

    This guide will help you find popular psychology books on post-traumatic stress as well as books written by and for Indigenous people healing from colonization and residential schools.


  • Power Meter Instructions

    Electricity bills are rising. Use a power meter to find out how much power your appliances are actually using.

  • ProQuest Central

    Provides access to 47 databases across all major areas of study through: journals, newspapers, market reports, news wires and case studies, many of which are full text.

  • PubMed

    Index of 4,300 biomedical journals covering the areas of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system and preclinical sciences. 

  • Rape and Sexual Abuse

    This guide will help you find popular psychology books on rape and sexual abuse in the Vancouver Public Library.


  • Relationship Improvement

    This guide will help you find popular psychology books on relationship improvement in the Vancouver Public Library.


  • Science

     This guide will help you find Science textbooks for grade 8, 9 and 10 in the Vancouver Public Library that are used in the B.C. high school system.