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Grades 8 - 12

VPL offers a wide variety of services and resources that facilitate access, support the curriculum, and connect students to the public library. We have workshops, programs, community service opportunities, topical booklists, databases, and extensive collections in both physical and digital formats.

Teen services librarians can visit classes or meet with educators virtually. Use the booking form below or email for more information.

How to Get a Library Card

Individuals can sign up online for temporary access or visit in-person to get a library card. Encourage students to sign up with a parent or guardian.

If you're interested in getting library cards for your students, please contact us by phone, 604.331.3663 or email childrens.teens@vpl.

Stay in Touch

Class Workshops

We offer presentations tailored to the needs of your classes. If you have a request for a specific topic or area of focus, just ask! Some of our offerings include:

Illustrations of two teens listening to an audiobook and reading a book


Teens will learn how to search for, filter, and check out ebooks from the Teens eReading Room; read in the browser, and use the Libby app.

Illustration of a group of teens around a round table

Research 101

Explore the resources that we have to support teens and their research needs. Includes a basic introduction to finding material at VPL, evaluating sources and developing search strategies.

An illustration of three teens

Job Searching 101

Teens will learn where to look for jobs, what resources the library has to offer, and get useful tips for applying for a job at VPL and everywhere else.

How to Check out eBooks and Audiobooks

Watch our Learn with VPL video tutorials. These videos provide a step-by-step guide on how to get a library card, log in to your online account, borrow items from the digital library, and use other digital resources like VPL to Go - Ereading Room for Teens.

Language and Literature Subject Icon

A collection of popular young adult and teen fiction and non-fiction ebooks and audiobooks.

Everywhere for Vancouver residents
Language and Literature Subject Icon

A collection of popular French-language ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines.

Everywhere for Vancouver residents
Language and Literature Subject Icon

A collection of French language ebooks and eaudiobooks for all ages from Canadian and international publishers.

Une collection de livres numériques et audionumériques pour tous les âges en langue française provenant de maisons d’éditions canadiennes et internationales

Everywhere for VPL cardholders

More Digital Library Resources

Culture and History Subject Icon

Discover ancient and medieval civilizations through a rich selection of articles, images, videos, timelines and more.

Everywhere for VPL cardholders
General Reference Subject Icon

CBCA is a Canadian-focused database that offers access to newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals and reference sources. *Also suitable for research at the elementary, high school and undergraduate levels.

Everywhere for Vancouver residents
Business and Careers Subject Icon

A comprehensive Canadian career guide providing detailed listings of 550 occupations, including education and training information.

Everywhere for VPL cardholders
General Reference Subject Icon

Multimedia encyclopedia with world-renowned entries on thousands of topics. *Also suitable for research at the elementary and high school levels.

Everywhere for VPL cardholders
Culture and History Subject Icon

Includes the complete text of the Canadian Encyclopedia in English and French, interactive resources and timelines of Canadian and world events.

Everywhere for everyone
Education Subject Icon

LinkedIn Learning offers video courses in business, computer technology, software, and creative skills, all conducted by experts in their fields.

New to LinkedIn Learning? View a video tutorial or visit the LinkedIn Learning FAQ page for more information.

Everywhere for VPL cardholders
Language and Literature Subject Icon

Discover the perfect fiction and non-fiction book with NoveList Plus Kids and Teens. Find new children's and young adult literature by browsing booklists or searching for author read-alikes and listen-alikes.

Everywhere for VPL cardholders
General Reference Subject Icon

Provides access to 47 databases across all major areas of study through: journals, newspapers, market reports, news wires and case studies, many of which are full text.

Everywhere for Vancouver residents
Language and Literature Subject Icon

A multidisciplinary research ebook collection but with a focus on current and classic literary criticism. *Also suitable for research at the high school and undergraduate levels.

Everywhere for VPL cardholders

Online Resources Based on Subject

These free online education resources will help students with the B.C. curriculum. A great resource to share with parents and caregivers looking for additional ideas on arts education, social and emotional learning, English language arts, science, math, social studies, physical health, and career education.

Virtual Field Trips

Vancouver Public Library has been privileged to partner with many authors, museums, and organizations to offer a variety of educational student talks and virtual trips.

Check our YouTube Playlist to watch past events and search our events guide for upcoming events.

Program Spotlight

ink is an annual publication for and by Vancouver teens, published since 2018 by Vancouver Public Library. ink includes all types of writing and visual art, showcasing the creativity and diversity of teens in this city. 
Read ink 2024