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Library Skills Toolkit

Welcome to the Library Skills Toolkit! On this page you will find links, videos and ready to print handouts to get your students excited about research!

Each video is suitable for watching with a class or group. The pace of each video is slow to allow for brain break pauses or to allow educators to tailor the content for specific class projects.

Our Children’s Librarians are also available to host class visits online or in in person. Please call your Local Branch Children’s Librarian or email to schedule.

Once you have completed all three modules, consider challenging your students to test their Library Skills by escaping from the Wizard's Library Virtual Escape Room. Check your answers on the Escape Room Answer Key.

Module 1 | Using the Library Catalogue

In this 14 minute Using the Library Catalogue Video, a Children’s Librarian will take you through using the Library Catalogue, including how to search for a topic, how to limit a search, and how to request an item.

Using the Library Catalogue Printable Handout, Challenge Questions and Challenge Answers

downloadable PDF – Module 1

Module 2 | Library Databases

In this 15 minute Using Library Databases Video, a Children’s Librarian will take your class through what databases are, how to find a database, and how to search within databases to find the information you need.

Library Databases Challenge Questions and Answers

downloadable PDF – Module 2

Browse All Databases

General Reference Subject Icon

Multimedia encyclopedia with world-renowned entries on thousands of topics. *Also suitable for research at the elementary and high school levels.

Everywhere for VPL cardholders
Culture and History Subject Icon

Includes the complete text of the Canadian Encyclopedia in English and French, interactive resources and timelines of Canadian and world events.

Everywhere for everyone

Module 3| Searching the Internet

In this 20 minute Searching the Internet Video, a Children’s Librarian will take your class through how to effectively search the internet for the information you need, including how to assess websites for accuracy, relevance, authority, currency and purpose.

Searching the Internet Handout, Class Discussion Guide, Word Search and Challenge Questions

downloadable PDF Module 3

How to Check out eBooks and Audiobooks

Watch our Learn with VPL video tutorials. These videos provide a step-by-step guide on how to get a library card, log in to your online account, borrow items from the digital library, and use other digital resources like TumbleBooks.

Remote video URL
Language and Literature Subject Icon

A popular collection of talking picture books for young readers in grades K-6. Has text, animation, music, and narration.

Everywhere for VPL cardholders
Language and Literature Subject Icon

A collection of popular children's fiction and non-fiction ebooks and audiobooks.

Everywhere for Vancouver residents
Language and Literature Subject Icon

A collection of popular young adult and teen fiction and non-fiction ebooks and audiobooks.

Everywhere for Vancouver residents
Language and Literature Subject Icon

A collection of popular French-language ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines.

Everywhere for Vancouver residents
Language and Literature Subject Icon

A collection of French language ebooks and eaudiobooks for all ages from Canadian and international publishers.

Une collection de livres numériques et audionumériques pour tous les âges en langue française provenant de maisons d’éditions canadiennes et internationales

Everywhere for VPL cardholders

New and Noteworthy Books at VPL

To find the hottest titles for kids and teens visit our New and Noteworthy Booklists. Lists are by year and grade level, with notations for starred reviews, Canadian content and topical interest.

Virtual Field Trips

Vancouver Public Library has been privileged to partner with many authors, museums, and organizations to offer a variety of educational student talks and virtual trips.

Check our YouTube Playlist to watch past events and search our events guide for upcoming events.