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Inspiration Lab - Sigil

Introduction to Sigil

Sigil is a free, open source program that lets you create and format ebooks. Working files within Sigil are automatically saved as reflowable EPUB files.

The Inspiration Lab

The Inspiration Lab is a free space dedicated to digital creativity, collaboration, and storytelling. We are located on level 3 at the Central branch of the Vancouver Public Library. 

The Inspiration Lab features recording studios, a high-performance computer lab with audio, video and image editing software, as well as graphic design and self-publishing software. Self-publishing software options include Sigil and Adobe InDesign. We also have analog-to-digital conversion stations for various forms of older media.

All of our services are absolutely free with your library card!

Inspiration Lab Booking

The Inspiration Lab is open during regular Central library hours.

Reserve a recording studio or drop in to use a computer workstation. If this will be your first time booking or you need a refresher on the process, review our booking instructions.

Resources on Self-Publishing

Please refer to the Self-Publishing in Ebook Format guide for more information on ebook publishing, validating and distribution. See our Self-Publishing 101 Handout for information on what to bring with you to work on your ebook project, resources, and more. For a basic guide on how to get started with Sigil, you can also see our Self-Publishing 102 Handout.


  • EPUB is a popular format for ebooks. An EPUB file is a collection of files within a Zip file renamed to EPUB. These zipped files include your manuscripts, images, table of contents and detail about your book like ISBN, title, author, date of publication, etc. EPUB files can be used to create not only books, but magazines, pamphlets, brochures, and whatever else you may need to make.
  • XHTML is a foundational code used to structure a web page and its content. XHMTL it used to make an epub in Sigil.
  • Metadata is information or data about any kind of media.
  • Alt text is an attribute used to specify alternate text that is displayed when an image cannot be shown. The alternate text is also used for systems that read the content out loud for visually impaired people.
  • Validation is a process of checking to see if the coding of an epub meets standards and is clean

Free Media Sources

Looking for images, sounds, or videos to use in your Inspiration Lab project? Search for works without copyright restrictions (sometimes called "public domain"), or with licenses that permit reuse and/or modification (you may have heard of "Creative Commons" licensing).

Sometimes, the individual files on a website will each have different use restrictions. If you intend to share or modify someone else's work, or if you plan to use your final project commercially (ie. for profit) be sure to check for restrictions. Sometimes you will find these restrictions at the individual item level; sometimes at the website level. When in doubt, contact the copyright holder directly to ask permission.

Copyright Law:

Free Media Sources:

  • Community Audio - Public domain music and spoken word.
  • Creative Commons Search - Search media sites across the internet for content made available for free reuse.
  • The Flickr Commons - The key goal of The Commons is to share hidden treasures from the world's public photography archives.
  • FreeSound - Public domain sound effects.
  • Free Music Archive - Creative Commons and Public Domain music.
  • Pixabay: Free Images - Free, downloadable stock images (except for the first line of Shutterstock images on each search page).
  • Project Gutenberg - Project Gutenberg offers over 53,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.
  • Unsplash - The internet’s source of freely-usable images. Powered by creators everywhere.
  • Wikimedia Commons - Images

Useful Websites and Books

Useful Website Description

Great place to learn about standards and specifications

Useful Website Description

Official Sigil website featuring information on new advancements and releases

Useful Website Description

Login with your VPL account and search for the video title in the Editing Ebooks course

Digital Library Resources

Education Subject Icon

LinkedIn Learning offers video courses in business, computer technology, software, and creative skills, all conducted by experts in their fields.

New to LinkedIn Learning? View a video tutorial or visit the LinkedIn Learning FAQ page for more information.

Everywhere for VPL cardholders